### Chapter 1: Module Introduction
Software engineering: is an engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects that are related to software. Including gathering requirements, design, development, testing, maintenance and managing all problems.
Different from other engineers: Software engineering different from other engineering with 3 main parts below,
• Invisibility: Software progress is not immediately visible.
• Complexity: Software products are more complex than other engineering
• Flexibility: Software can be changed or modified in the future.
Type of software:
• Generic product (Stand-alone product by development organization e.g., Microsoft office),
• Bespoke product (system develop for specific customer developed by contactor e.g., underground system).
Software product attributes:
• Maintainability (can be changed later),
• Dependability (failure does not affect other damage),
• Efficiency(useable).
Why secure software development needed
• Target attack has changed (Past focus on OS, Now focusses on Webpage)
• Attackers’ nature (Past just for fun, Now needs crime or money)
• Attacker can beat vulnerability
• Defects happen on design (bug in design called “Flaw”) and code.
### Chapter summary
Software engineering is the disciplined process of producing software.
• It helps communicate the design to members of them
• It helps manage the process through the life cycle: from concept to delivery and through to decommissioning.
### Chapter 2: Managing software project
Why the project failed
• People programming before understanding (want to want to make progress, so they want to code asap)
• The team has unrealistic ideas about how work is involved (wrong estimate about how much work, time, buget)
• Defects happen early but found it late e.g., v-model design is wrong but discovered at acceptance by user.
• Programmer has poor habit (e.g., code writing from one person, hard for another to pick up. New programmers do not have experience making poor programs)
• Managers try to test into software (e.g., everyone expected tester will catch all bugs, programmer feel tester have negative attitude with only him)
How to make sure project success
• All decisions are openly shared with related workers.
o Is the goal clearly defined?
o Is there a list of jobs so that everyone knows their part?
o Does the project manager know what is going on?
• Trust your member team
o Has a job been assigned to people?
• Review everything, test everything from the beginning of the project.
• Create equally (too much hierarchy is slow down communication and lower voice do not touch higher level)
o Is there only one leader?
• Fastest way is to use good engineering (not about skipping reviews or testing)
Project management lifecycle
\1. Project Proposal selection
o SWOT: identifying Strengths and Weaknesses, any other Opportunities, and Threats to the project face. <
o PESTAL: political, economic, social, technological, legal and environment. Seems to be emphasized at external to the business.
o Balance Scorecard: used by manager to keep track of the execution of activities by staff.

Information about strategy maps won’t be included much here as past exams never had it.
strategy map is a simple graphic that shows a logical, cause and effect connection between strategic objectives eg. Increase revenue (pay more money) -> will increase profitability (ability of software)
In-balance scorecards it says every application carries risks and benefits.
\2. Determined project scope: scope defined as ‘the work the project has to do’ “benefit”, “costs” and “timescales” are linked to project scope.
\3. Project management Triangle: model of constraint of project management (scope, time, cost) Project should have only one major aim and several objectives supporting the aim.
project management focuses on 3P (process, problem, people)
\4. Management activity
o Proposal writing:
o Project planning and scheduling: most software projects in UK following PRINCE2 (it’s a structure project management method) Agile (a project management process that develops with customer need)
o Project costing: involve prediction and decisions about task need (Best-guess). The estimation will be a risk for time and budget.
o Project monitoring and review, Personal selection and evaluation, and Report writing and presentation: Monitoring to ensure the project is following its scheduled, monitoring time, cost, and quality.
Extra information
Disaster Recovery plan (backup plan): in case something went wrong we have a backup. People know where it is, and the backup is up to date. The backup should work. E.g., Building destroys by fired, we have a second place that people can work.
### Chapter 3: Managing project
Project VS Operation
Project has a starting point and ending point. It is creating a product, service, or result.
Operation work done until the business expires or something. It has been a long time.
What is PMBOK? (Project management Body of Knowledge)
PMBOK is a collection of processes, best practices. Terminologies, and guidelines. PMBOK helps the company as a standard practice across various departments. “We can adapt knowledge from PMBOK to apply to the project and it also have guideline how to manage with failure.”
Project attributes and Project Constraints
• Project attributes
o It has a unique propose and only temporary.
o Change something and create valuable things.
o Require many resources from different areas.
o Should have sponsor, primary customer.
• Project constraints (Scope goal, Scope time, Cost goal)
Project management: is “the application of knowledge skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements” Project management strive to meet the triple constraint (scope time and cost).
• Project stakeholders: are people involved in or affected by project activities. (Project sponsor, project manager, support staff)
• Project management knowledge: must know in 10 knowledge area e.g., scope, scheduled, cost, resource, risk.
• Tools and techniques: Project charter, scope statement, and work breakdown structure WBS (scope).
Defined project success
• Project meet scope, time, cost.
• Project satisfied by customer.
• Result of the project meet main objective
*Top 3 reason that make technologies project successful 1. adequate funding 2. staff expertise 3. engagement from all stakeholders.
Program and Project Portfolio Management
• Program: is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated manner e.g., MS office is a program combined with many projects such as word, excel, access.
• Project Portfolio: help their organization make wise investment decisions by helping select and analyze projects from a strategic perspective.
Best practice is an optimal way recognized by industry to achieve a stated goal or objective.
### Chapter summary
• A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product service or result.
• Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
• A program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way
• Project portfolio management involves organizing and managing projects and programs as a portfolio of investments.
• Project Manager plays a key role in helping projects and organizations succussed.
• The project management profession continues to grow and mature.
### Chapter 4: Project management and IT context
Systems view of project management:
• System approach: project manager needs to use system thinking, taking overall view of carrying out projects within the context of the organization. Including 3 parts
o System philosophy – overall model thinking, think about things as systems.
o System analysis – problem solving approaches. Analytic system
o System management – address business, technology, and organizational issues before making changes.
Technology: Should tablets be based on Apple or Microsoft?
Organization: Will the tablet project affect all students or only certain majors?
Business: What will tablet cost the college?
• Organization
o Understand organization: Must understand organization and people om the organization as well.
o Four Frames of organization
Structural frame: Roles and responsibility. Coordination and control.
Political frame: various individuals and interest groups.
Symbolic frame: Culture, languages, tradition.
Human resources: needs or organization or needs of people.
o Organization structures: Three basic organizational structures
Functional – functional managers' report to CEO e.g., university.
Project – Program managers report to CEO
Matrix – middle ground between functional and project structure.
o Organization culture: share assumption values and behavior. 10 characteristics of organizational culture. (Member identity, Group emphasis, people focus, Unit integration, control, Risk tolerance, Reward criteria, Conflict tolerance, Means-ends orientation, open-system focus)
• Focusing on stakeholder needs, ** using four frames of organization can help meet stakeholder needs and expectation.
• Importance of Top management commitment: People in the top management are key stakeholders in project. Because the project need support from top managers.
Project and product lifecycle
• Project lifecycle: a collection of project phases (what work will be performed, what deliverable will be produced, who involved in each phrase)
o Early phases: resource needs are usually lowest, risk is highest
o Middle phase: more resources are needed. Project improves.
o Final phase: ensure project meets the requirement.
• Product lifecycle: System development Lyfe Cycle (SDLC) framework for describing the phase of developing information system. System development project can follow
o Predictive life cycle: scope and scheduled and cost are determined early. E.g., waterfall, spiral model.
o Iterative life cycle: scope is determined early but time, cost estimates are modified as understandable.
o Incremental life cycle: delivery is produced through a series of iterations. ** work best with low change but high delivery.
o Adaptive life cycle: stakeholders define and approve the detailed scope before the start of n iteration.
o Hybrid life cycle: combined of approaches.
Project management Framework
Process group Knowledge area
Initial integration
Planning scope
execute Scheduled
monitoring cost
close quality
Project life cycle (PLC): focus on managing project
System Development Life cycle (SDLC): focus on implement project’s product.
Important of Project Phases and Management Reviews
• Project should pass through each project phase in order to continue to the next.
• Should not wait until the end of the project or product phrase to have management inputs.
IT project
• Context of Information Technology Project:
• Nature of IT project: IT project can be diverse in terms of size and complexity.
• Characteristics of IT project team members: often have diverse backgrounds and skill set.
• Diverse Technology: Technology is changing rapidly so it keeps diverging.
Recently trands in IT project management
• Outsourcing when an organization needs good sources from outside sources
• Offshoring describes outsourcing from another country
• Virtual team: low cost because you do not need office space. Can have team members globally working anytime. But it will be an isolation team member. Reducing ability for team members to network and transfer information informally.
• Agile: being to move quickly and easily. 4 mains part of Manifesto
o Individuals and interaction over process and tools
o Working software over comprehensive document
o Customer's collaboration over contract negotiation
o Responding to change over follow the plan
o Scrum

### Chapter summary
• Project managers need to take a system approach when working on projects.
• Organizations have four different frames: structural, human resources, political and symbolic.
• The structure and culture of an organization have strong implications for project managers.
• Project should successfully pass through each phase of the project life cycle.
• Project managers need to consider several factors due to the unique context of information technology projects.
• Current trends are outsourcing, virtual teams and agile project management.
### Chapter 5: The project management process group
Introduction: Project management consists of 10 areas of knowledge (Integration, scope, schedule, cost, quality, resource, communication risk, procurement, and stakeholder management)
Project involves five project management: Initial, planning executing monitoring controlling and closing.
Project management process group and knowledge: process is a series of actions directed toward a particular result.
• Project management process group
o Initiating processes
o Planning processes
o Executing processes
o Monitoring and controlling processes
o Closing processes
• Characteristics of process group
o Executing tasks requires the most resource and time
o Monitoring and controlling done throughout the project life span
o Initiating and closing tasks are the shortest. Required least amount of resource and time.
• Mapping process group with knowledge area
1.initial project and output for Project integration and stakeholder management
• Identifying project stakeholders
o Internal project stakeholders: include project sensor, project team.
o External project stakeholders: project customers (if they are external the company) supplier.
Stakeholder register: is a document details related to identify project but not include sensitive detail.
Stakeholder analysis is a technique for analyzing information
1: Low interest/ high power (keep satisfied)
2: High power / high interest (manage closely)
3: Low interest / low power (monitor)
4: High interest/low power (keep informed)
• Creating the project charter:
o is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and summarizes.
o Authorize the project manager to use organization resources
o Have sign-off
o Summary scheduled timeline + data + manager name + estimate cost + project objective.
• Creating the assumption log: It is a document used to record and track assumptions and constraints thought out the project lifecycle. include scope, time, cost, risk, and knowledge area.
• Holding a kick-off meeting: a meeting held at the beginning of a project so that stakeholders can meet each other, review the goals of the project.
### Chapter 6: Planning projects
\2. Planning project and output for project integration and scope management
According to the table, describe meaning below,
• Project integration management involves coordinating all the project management knowledge
• Project management plans are a document used to integrate and coordinate all project planning documents. E.g., scope management plan, requirement management plan, scheduled management plan, Cost management plan. It must be dynamic, flexible, and receptive to change when the environment changes.
• Project scope management involves defending and controlling what work is or is not included in a project.
• Planning scope management: How project will define (validation: acceptation delivery by customer verification done by controlling quality)
• Scope management plan: this information will describe in scope management plan e.g., preparing a detailed project scope statement, creating, maintenance and approving WBS.
• Requirement management plan: describe how project requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed.
• Requirement documents: text, diagram, image, table
• Requirement traceability matrix: table list requirements, many attributes of each requirement.
• Work Break Down structure (WBS): is a deliverable oriented grouping of the work involved in a project. Often shows in different forms (Graphical or char form / Tabular or list form)
o Work package: is deliverable to the lowest level of the WBS. Each package should have cost, time. It shows in level of the detail deep down. Or it could be a mind map.
Integration planning for Agile/hybrid
• Scrum
To priorities requirements MoSCoW
o M: Must have
o S: should have
o C: could have
o W: Will not have
Story cards – contain user stories written on index cards (INVEST)
o Independent: can be completed on its own
o Negotiable: One or two sentences long. Can work out through the discussion
o Valuable: Provide value to customers
o Estimable: A good approximation
o Small: can be completed within one iteration
o Testable: know when it is complete
### Chapter summary
• Project planning: to guild execution.
• Project execution: this part takes the most resource.
• Project monitor and controlling: Involves measuring progress toward project objectives, monitoring, and taking correction actions.
• Project closing: Involves gaining stakeholders and customers' acceptance of the final products and services.
o Roles
Product owner: person responsible for the business value of the project. Make decisions in product backlog.
Scrum Master: encourage team to deductive, facilitates the daily scrum. Remove barriers that prevent the team from being effective.
Scrum team/ development team: five-nine people in the team. Work and reduce result in each sprint.
o Artifacts
Product backlog: feature priorities by business value.
Sprint backlog: highest priority from product backlog.
Burndown chart: showing work remains.
o Ceremonies
Sprint planning session: pull the activity from product backlog into scrum backlog.
Daily scrum: development team share progress and discussion challenge of work.
Sprint review: Demonstrate to product owner what have been complete.
Sprint retrospective: improve product and processes.
### Chapter 7: Project planning – schedule and cost management
3.initial project and output for project schedule and cost management
According to the table, describe meaning below,
• Project scheduled management: ensure timely completion of the project.
• Defining activities is to ensure that project team members have a complete understanding of all the work they must do so that they can start scheduling the work.
• Activity list and attributes is a table of activity to be included on a project scheduled. It should have an activity name, activity identifier brief description. We also can use WBS (work breakdown structure) for activity list.
• Milestone: is a significant point or event in a project. (No cost or duration). It helps marker identifies necessary activity.
o Best Practice (S=Specific M=Measurable A=Assignable R=Realistic T=Timeframe)
o Milestone can help reduce the scheduled risk – each milestone must be binary (complete or incomplete)
• Sequence activity: review activity list. Check the relation of tasks e.g., if this is not complete, other tasks can start? Is it overlap to other tasks?
o Reason for creating dependency
Mandatory dependencies: eg cannot hold training classes until the training materials are ready.
Discretionary dependencies: eg not start design until key stakeholders sign off.
External dependencies: involve relationship between project and non-project activity. E.g., installation of new software related to delivery of new hardware.
Internal dependencies: within project team control.
• Network diagram: showing activity sequence.
o Active-on-arrow (AOA): arrows are connected points called nodes.
o Step for creating an AOA network diagram
Find all activity
Continue drawing network diagram from left to right.
Line having duration of activities.
o Activity on node (PDM): network diagramming technique. Show all dependencies points.
• Duration estimation
o Duration: total time to complete the work activities.
o Effort: number of work units required to complete the activity.
o Elapsed time: Calander time or span required to complete.
• Developing the project schedule: use result of all preceding project time manages processes to determine the start and end dates.
Critical Path analysis: is a network diagramming technique used to predict total project duration. To find the earliest time by which the project can be completed.
It is important because project managers can make trade-offs.
• Crashing: techniques for making cost and scheduled trade-off to obtain greatest amount.
• Fast Tracking: involve doing activities in parallel
• Scheduled compression: backfire by causing cost.
Critical Chain scheduling: method of scheduling that considers limited resources when creating a project scheduled.
Project cost Management: to ensure that the project team complete the project within an approved budget.
Estimating cost: prepare cost estimates at various stages of a project. Important to provide the support details. Cost Estimating techniques
• Analogous estimates: use the actual cost of the previous, similar project
• Bottom up: involve estimating individual activity and summing them to get the project total.
• Parametric: use the project characteristic (math) to help calculate them.
Cost estimating process 1) summary information 2) consult with internal and external experts and organize assistant.
Cost budget: the main goal of the cost budget is a cost baseline.
### Chapter 8:
4.Planning Processes and Outputs for Project Quality, Human Resource, Communications, Risk, Procurement, and Stakeholder Management
Project quality management : ensure that the project will satisfy the state or implied needs.
• What is quality: the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfull requirements.
o Conformance to requirements: project and product meet specification
o Fitness for use: product can be used as it was intended.
• Quality metrics: metric is a standard of measurement.
o Sample quality Metrix: customer satisfaction rating. Complete the project within one year.
Project resource management is concerned with making effective use of the people involved with a project as well as physical resources.
• Team management plan
o Project organization charts are a graphical representation of how authority and responsibility is distributed within the project.
o Responsibility assignment Metris is a matrix that maps the work of the project as described in the WBS to the people responsible for performing the work.
o Resource Histograms is showing number of resources required for a project overtime.
o Staffing management plans: how people will be added and removed from a project.
Team charter: help promote teamwork and clarify team communication.
Estimating activity Resource: need to realize about how difficult, how unique, how specific resource.
Project stakeholders' management: engage stakeholders in project decision and activity based on their needs interest and potential impact.
Project risk management: an uncertainty that can have a negative or positive effect on meeting project objectives. Risk management plan should include responsibility, budget, schedule estimates, risk categories, probability, and impact metrices.
• Risk event
o Negative risk event: include performance failure (increase cost, delay)
o Positive risk event: include completing work sooner (unexpected reduce cost)
• Performing Qualitative Risk Analysis: Prioritizing high, medium, low. Quantitative risk analysis techniques include decision tree analysis, simulation, influence diagram.
• Planning risk response
o Negative risk responses: Escalation of risk, Risk avoidance, Risk acceptance
o Positive risk responses: Escalation of risk, Risk sharing, Risk acceptance.
• Risk register: document that contains many risk management processes shown in table.
Project procurement Management: make-or-buy analysis, comparing cost.
Change management model: including A: Awareness D: Desire K: Knowledge A: Ability R: Reinforcement.
Each role working for these tasks below,
• Project integration management: develop project management plan
• Project scope management: plan scope management
• Project cost management: Estimate cost
• Project Risk management: plan risk response, identify risk.
### Chapter 9:
\5. Executing Processes and Outputs
Issue log: help to document, monitor and track issues.
Change request: often that request for change happens during project execution. Process for handling change should be defined due to project planning. Due to project execution should request appropriate for the change.
Conflict handling process:
• Managing Quality: Quality assurance includes all activities related to satisfying. Key outputs of managing quality include quality report, test and evaluation documents, change requests.
• Quality improves tools
o Benchmarking: generates ideas for quality improvements by comparing specific project practice. E.g, training costs per employee and course ratings are benchmarks.
o A quality audit: it is a structure review of specific quality management. Lesson learns, improvement in the future project.
o Process analysis: it involves how processes operate and determining improvements. E.g. Kanban to do, in progress, done.
Project resource management: effective use of resources is crucial to project execution.
• Dealing with people: before discussing resource assignments, it’s important to understand basic concept to deal with people in a work setting.
• Motivation:
o Intrinsic motivation: cause people to participate in an activity for their own enjoyment.
o Extrinsic motivation: cause people to do something for a reward or to avoid penalty.
• Acquiring Resource: The problems occur when assigning resources are availability and overallocation. project resource includes
o Physical resources: equipment, supplies, and materials.
o Human resources: people required to perform project work.
• Resource Loading: refers to the amount of individual resources and exiting schedule requires during specific time periods. “Overallocations mean more resources than what we are available assigned to task”
• Resource Leveling: it is a technique for resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasks. The main purpose of resource leveling is to create a smoother distribution of resources usage and reduce overallocation.
Project stakeholder management: the process of managing stakeholder engagement involves working with many project stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations. “If done well, it allows project managers to increase support minimize resistance from stakeholders, increasing change to achieve project success”
• Managing Stakeholder engagement: need actively to engage project stakeholders. Need to set the stage early so stakeholder engagement is expected and welcomed.
### Chapter 10:
Project Integration Management: main monitoring and controlling processes performed as a part of project integration.
Forecasting with Earn value management: Earn value management (EVM) is a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time and cost. Baseline use for checking how well the project is meeting scope, time and cost goals by comparing baseline.
• Baseline information includes
o Scope data (WBS tasks)
o Time data (start and finish estimates for each task)
o Cost data (cost estimates for each task)
Project Planning:
• Gether work performance information: project manager much get these task
o Budget at completion (BAC) it represents the original project budget.
o Plan value(PV): budget cost for work scheduled
PV.= Total project cost X % of planned work
o Actual cost (AC): actual cost of work performed. It includes several hidden costs. The value is straight forward, does not need to calculate.
In our example, let’s assume, AC at the end of 2 months = $15000
o Earn value (EV): At the end of 2 months, plan to completed 40% but finish 30%.
EV = Total project cost X % of actual work = $25000 X 30% = $7500
• Determie scheduled Status:
o Ahead or behind our scheduled
o Under or above the estimated cost.
• Variance Analysis: how far off we are from the project baseline
o Scheduled status
Schedule variance (SV) quantitative indicator of divergence from initial planned scheduled.
• Negative SV = behind / positive SV = ahead / 0 = on scheduled
Example: SV at 2 months = $7500-$10000 =$2500
SV% = (SV/PV) 100 = $2500/$10000100 = -25%
*Mean behind the scheduled. *
Schedule performance index (SPI) project performance from variance.
• SPI > 1 = ahead of scheduled / SPI < 1 = behind the scheduled. Greater than 1.0 is good.
Example SPI=$7500/$10000=0.75 indicating the project is only going 75% as per the original plan or it is 25% behind scheduled.
Cost performance Index (CPI) gives a sense of project performance from a cost perspective.
• CPI > 1 indicates project under budget and CPI < 1 indicates project is over budget.
Example CPI = $7500/$15000 = 0.5
o CPI=0.5 twice amount that should have this point.
o CPI=1.0 project on scheduled
o CPI=2.0 spend half amount that should have this point
• Interpreting Earned Value Number: Negative number mean the project is costing more than planned or taking longer than planned.
• Earn value Forecasting contains four calculations
o Estimate to complete (ETC) exceed cost require to complete
o Estimate at completion (EAC) full task or project cost expected at completion
o Variance at completion (VAC) is. Forecast of what the variance, specifically the Cost Variance (CV), will be upon the completion of the project.
o To complete performance Index (TCPI) represents the efficiency level, specifically the CPI, that will make the project finish on time.
Project quality management:
• Quantity mean a product should meet its specification.
• Challenge of software quality
• Quality control tools:
o Cause and effect diagram
o Check sheet
o Control charts
o Histograms
o Pareto charts
o Scatter diagram
o Stratification
### Chapter 11:
\6. Closing output
Closing output:
• Project document updates: All project documents should be reviewed and marked as final version.
• Final product, service, or result transition: Project sponsors are usually most interested in all delivery to the appropriate part of organization.
• Final project reports and presentation are commonly created during project closing.
• Update to organization process assets: During closing the project team should update appropriate process assets, especially the lessons learned repository.
### Chapter 12:
What is PRINCE2: structure project management method. Emphasizes dividing projects into manageable and controllable stages.
7 Processes of PRINCE2:
• Starting a project: customer submit a new request for a new project. It is called “Project mandate.”
• Directing a project: assign to project manager.
• Initiating a project: Project manager prepares a plan such as cost, time required.
• Controlling a stage: subdivided into stages and teams are assigned for each stage.
• Managing Product delivery: Project manager make sure that there is no gap between deliverable and quality expectations.
• Managing a state boundary: manager and board will review the outcomes. Ensure the projects are on the right track.
• Closing a project: mark the closing of the outcome, documentation, and reporting.
Type of PRINCE2 documentation
• Business case: detailed description of why the project needed.
• Risk register: Lists the probability and potential impacts of risks and opportunities.
• Quality register: A running log of quality checks ensure deliverable meet expectations.
• Issue register: a list of problem and concern.
• Lessons log: net on lesson learn to apply to next work stage.
• Daily log: daily diary written by project manager report activity and progress.
Summary documentation in each stage of PRINCE2
Additional Agile information
Scheduled for Agile Project: instead of creating details scheduled for all of the activity, agile teams focus on the most valuable work they complete within each iteration. “Time-Boxing” - it’s a previous agree upon time.
Cost planning for Agile Project: Unlike predictive project, there is no total project budget, detailed or cost estimate for entire project for agile project.
Agile with risk and procurement: agile can use any predictive project plan process tools in this step. E.g., using survey evaluations.
Agile estimating methods: predictive
• T-shirt sizing: S, M, L, XL, XXL
• Planning poker: each team member estimates user stories with number cards.
• The bucket system: Extension of planning poker when there are many user stories, and the team is large.
Agile Quality planning:
• Definition of Done: a list of criteria which must be met before a product increment ‘often a user story’ is considered ‘done’
Agile resource planning: Different resource planning between predictive and agile is instead of project manager assign people tasks, in agile team will self-manage. They decide who will work on the tasks themselves.
Agile stakeholders planning: at the end of the sprint; sprint review meeting allows key stakeholders to inspect the outcomes of each sprint and determine future adaptations.
Agile risk planning: Emphasizing value to customers, prioritizing work and collaborating as a team focused on one sprint goal at a time.
Monitor and control Agile: There are 2 meetings as monitoring 1) Daily scrum 2) Sprint review.
More information: burn down chart – showing how much work remains. Burn up chart – showing how much work is complete. Combined burn chart – showing both how much work remains and how much work has been completed.
Closing Agile project: the same as predictive project, agile and hybrid projects should be closed.